Lincoln Cheerleading Tryouts For ALL 8th Grade Students
We have our Lincoln High School Cheerleading tryouts next week. I have attached our informational packet as well as our tryout flyer. We are really wanting to grow our program over the next couple of years and are wanting to possibly incorporate a freshman football cheer team!
ONLINE REGISTRATION DUE: Prior to Clinics a link to this is also found on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
TRYOUT CLINIC DATE & TIME: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday March 9th-11th 4PM-7PM Located in the LHS Roundhouse.
TRYOUT DATE: Thursday March 12th. Check in time 3:45PM Tryouts will begin at 4PM
TRYOUT MATERIAL: Candidates will learn the updated Fight Song, a Cheer and the jumps they will need in order to tryout. (Tumbling is NOT required!)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There will be a mandatory Parent/Guardian/Cheerleader meeting on Tuesday March 31st at 6pm in the commons for all who make a team. This will be our fundraiser meeting, uniform fitting and information pertaining to your cheerleaders upcoming events. If you can not make this date it is imperative, you let Coach Bales know!
CONTACT INFORMATION: if you have any questions or concerns please email Coach Bales at