Science Bound

Science Bound Logo

Science Bound is Iowa State University’s premier pre-college through college program to increase the number of Iowa youth who pursue degrees and careers in the fields of agriculture, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (ASTEM), as well as education. The program draws students with potential from middle and high schools in Des Moines, Denison, Marshalltown, and Osceola, Iowa.

Students are invited to participate during the end of their 7th grade year. If space is available, some students are also invited to participate the first semester of their 9th grade year.

Eighth-grade preparatory program participants must meet program requirements, including satisfactory completion of a science fair project and a quality essay that demonstrates a desire to give to, and learn from, Science Bound. High school participants must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0, participate in 75% of the program activities, and present a satisfactory oral justification yearly for continuation.

For more information please contact Science Bound at


Debra Victor


Mallory Mitchell